How To Check For Bed Bugs In Your Hotel Room

Bed Bugs In Your Hotel Room

When you stay in a hotel room while on vacation, the last thing you want is to discover bite marks on your body upon waking up in the morning. While hotels are responsible for keeping the rooms clean and pest-free, sometimes even the best-rated hotels can suffer from bug infestations.

It is essential to check for bed bugs in various spots of your hotel room as soon as you check in so that they do not get a chance to cling onto your luggage and go back home with you. If you already have bed bug issues at your place, click here to learn more.

How to check for bed bugs in your hotel room

When staying in a hotel, motel, hostel, B&B, or any other overnight accommodation, you must inspect the room for bed bugs in their specific hiding spots.

Mattresses and bed frame.

Bugs are living beings that need food to stay alive. Therefore, they like to live near their food source, human blood. Bed bugs are mostly found in mattresses and bed frames. Check the headboard thoroughly and in between design patterns when you enter the room. Make sure you move the bed from the wall and check behind and underneath. To inspect the bedding, check the pillowcases, duvet covers, and fitted sheets, paying close attention to the seams.

Upholstered furniture.

Upholstered furniture, such as the sofa or couch, are also good hiding places for the bugs as they are also good sources for their food. Check the seams, the head, and the neck area. If you see any red polka dots of blood, rusty or greasy dark spots, or even one bug, ask the hotel manager for a change of rooms immediately.

Furniture near the bed.

Besides the headboard and mattresses, the furniture near-bed is also a good habitable spot for bed bugs, such as bedside tables, lamps, and drawers. Inspect these areas thoroughly, especially the joints, drawer handles, picture frames, and ornaments. Also, check behind and underneath the cabinets.

Wardrobes and skirting boards.

While it is true that bugs like to stay near their food source, it does not stop them from exploring other areas of the room. Check behind, on top of, and underneath wardrobes and other pieces of furniture. Make sure not to leave any handles, crevices, cracks, or dents. Also, inspect the gaps between skirting boards and walls.

Even if you take all the measures and extra care, there is no guarantee of succeeding. These pesky creatures are excellent in hiding and often go unnoticed. If you stay in a bug-infested room, the bugs will travel back home with you, and the infestation will begin in your house as well. To prevent this, call expert services before it is too late.