Practical Tips To A Leak-Proof Roof


A leak-proof roof protects your most valuable possessions, but no matter how expensive, or high end your roof is, it will deteriorate over time. Severe weather changes cause leaky roofs to turn into hazards and poorly functioning roofing systems in the long run. The costs of re-roofing can really strain the financial resources of every family. But if no action is taken, it will lead to further damage inside the home and on the entire roof.

Here are practical tips to help keep your roof leak-proof and ensure the protection, and high-quality maintenance of your whole roofing system, so it can last for a long time.

Check The Status Of The Roof

In most cases, roofs are expected to wear because of heavy exposure to different types of weather all year round. Check for tiny cracks, shingles that are loose, or a tile that’s completely damaged. Tiny cracks and loosened shingles allow rainwater to easily enter and damage the plywood, rafters, and eventually ceiling. A heavy duty sealant would be an aid to easily repair holes and have a leak-proof roof. But in the worst cases, the better option would be to remove the old ones and replace them with new.

Clear Up Debris

If not cleared off regularly, leaves and twigs, and dirt settle on the roof for a long time and cause major issues. Any debris present can hold water, leading to further roof damage, and interior damage. Ideally, the roof, gutters, and vents should always be cleared for water to easily flow off of. Clearing up debris should especially be done after a storm or particularly windy weather. It is not enough to clear up the surface, but also checking the roof vents and gutters is necessary to make sure there are no clogged areas. When gutters and vents are clogged, water is stored and may cause a leaky roof, inefficient gutters and backflow of moisture and dirt particles under the shingles. A good preventive measure is to cut trees or branches that are touching the roof to avoid leaves landing on the roof, or the trees falling on it during a big storm.

Choose Correct Roof Pitch

The roofing materials should be appropriate to the roof pitch, or the slope of the structure. This makes the house able to withstand strong, and significant weather changes. Depending on the materials used, the roofing contractor knows what roof pitch is appropriate but doing own research would not hurt too. Slopes on a roof not only add beauty and art to the structure, but also helps prevent against elements like snow, ice, and high winds that tend to damage roofs, if not completely tear them down.

Call A Roofing Expert

It is important to do inspection. Activities such as moving cables, wiring, and antenna could create holes in the roofing.These tiny holes allow water and water vapor to get under the shingles and saturate the support structure. Moisture causes mold to grow, resulting in the break down of your structural materials. Water will find its way in and penetrate to the roof supports, causing more damage if left unchecked. An attic is the best area to start inspecting, because you can easily spot any roof leaks more easily. Binoculars can be a good aid if inspection is to be done from the ground level. Using a ladder is highly recommended for a closer look though. If ever you’re unsure, calling a roofing expert would be the best option to secure a leak-proof roof.

So much is invested in order to have a strong roofing system, but maintaining it is a whole different story. It is necessary to keep an eye on the crown of every house. Prevention is always better than cure. While a leaky roof is at times inevitable, it is imperative to cautiously take care of the roofing system by following the steps. Surely, fixing roof leaks is no easy job. Talk to the roof experts who can help you manage your roofing system.